A Highly Emotional Time
Recognizing and accepting the fact that this process is filled with emotional ups and downs is important. It can impact every area of your life. We recommend you do whatever you can to ease your day-to-day routine during this time. Some ideas include:
- Reduce the hours you spend at work, volunteering or on other major obligations. If you already have children, get help with childcare.
- Revisit methods you have used in the past to successfully ease stress— like yoga, reading, meditation, writing in a journal, binge-watching your favorite shows or just getting extra sleep.
- Ensure you have a reliable support system of friends and family who will be there to listen when you need to talk, cheer you up when you are down and celebrate your successes.
Most of all, be kind to yourself. Acknowledge that the time spent undergoing treatment is emotionally charged. Allow yourself to feel each emotion fully and without judgement.

Do Not Blame Yourself
People generally begin their fertility journey with the rational understanding that they need medical help to become pregnant. However, some patients, at some point along they way, begin to blame themselves when a pregnancy attempt is unsuccessful. It is important to realize that some attempts do not work; they are just part of the process of understanding which procedures your body responds to best.

Here to Help
Everyone’s infertility treatment journey is different and everyone has a unique response to that journey. We have a number of excellent resources we can put you in touch with that can offer support, guidance, assistance in making difficult decisions and help in reducing anxiety. Often, simply talking through your feelings is immensely helpful. Our goal is to help our patients and their partners stay balanced and focused as they pursue their dream of parenthood.

Let’s Take the Next Step Together
Our skilled fertility specialists are here to help. Contact us today and let’s discuss the next phase of your fertility journey.