Single and Multi-Cycle Discount Programs
You want a baby. We want to help.
How? We share the financial risk of IVF with you and, like you, we’re focused on a positive outcome. Our products make paying for treatment easy to understand and affordable. Costs are fixed and set up front. No hidden fees. No sudden expenses. The result? Peace of mind and a treatment journey that is as stress-free as possible.

The Multi-Cycle Discount Program can help you simplifying the financial side of your fertility journey.
Everyone is unique and many elements come into play, but the fact is that approximately 50% of women who choose IVF will not become pregnant on their first try. The Multi-Cycle Discount Program allows for up to two egg retrievals and up to four Frozen Embryo Transfers (FETs).
More cycles equal a better chance of success; this program provides many opportunities to succeed, and the peace of mind that results from knowing you haven’t put all your eggs in one basket. When it comes to something this important you can’t afford to fail.

We understand that fertility treatments can be a significant financial commitment, and our program is designed to alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with multiple cycles. Similar to insurance policies, our multi-cycle discount program provides financial protection and peace of mind so you can focus on more important things.
We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to build their family, and our multi-cycle discount program is just one way we strive to make fertility treatments more accessible and affordable.

Financing Options Also Available
In addition to the Reproductive Partners Fertility Center – San Diego offering, you have access to fertility loans through Lending Club and CapexMD as a means to finance all or part of your Reproductive Partners Fertility Center – San Diego Plan fee. These programs offer competitive interest rates and flexible options. You can find additional details on their websites at and

Let’s Take the Next Step Together
Our skilled fertility specialists are here to help. Contact us today and let’s discuss the next phase of your fertility journey.