Geraldine’s Story

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Our journey wasn’t the typical one you’d expect- we faced numerous challenges, reaching a point where we accepted that pregnancy might not ever be possible. Surgeries, various medical treatments, 2 egg retrievals, multiple failed transfers, and a lot of heartbreak marked our path. Infertility is very real and cruel. 

In the spring of 2023, we planned to take a look g break from IVF. I was mentally, emotionally, and physically drained and my entire world revolves around IVF. I was losing hope, unhappy and all aspects of my life were suffering. Despite the need for a break, something inside me said to give it one more try, and we did- AND IT WORKED!

The last transfer that changed my life.

On October 23, 2023 I was walking into the clinic feeling nervous and numb all at the same time. After multiple years of failed transfers and loss (and those who have been through this know the deep agony), I was at a point where hope felt so distant. I had pretty much lost all of it. But before throwing in the towel, I made one last change—I switched clinics and decided to try one final transfer.

One last transfer. I had no idea what to expect. I was scared to let my hopes rise, yet sad that I couldn’t let myself feel the excitement I so desperately wanted to feel. After so much heartache, it’s like I didn’t know how to protect myself anymore. 

But on that day- everything changed. As soon as the transfer was done, I cried out all the tension that had accumulated. I knew this was the end for me and no idea what was going to happen, all I could do was wait for the bloodwork. I remember the sadness so clearly, but forced myself to focus on this last opportunity and to stay positive for that “what if” …. and now, a year later, I get to hold Roma in my arms. How crazy is that?

She is everything I fought for, everything I dreamed of, even when I didn’t know if I could dream anymore. For anyone still on this journey, my heart is with you. It’s hard, it’s painful, but sometimes, just sometimes, miracles do happen.

Roma is mine. “